Sliding Scale Pricing

Organizing our pop-up ceramics handbuilding classes involves a labor of love: from the meticulous preparation and setup of each event, to the careful handling of your creations post-class — including transporting, drying, bisque firing, glazing, final firing, and even shipping. We also invest time in administrative tasks like marketing, website maintenance, shipping and more. Most of this effort is a solo endeavor, supplemented by the invaluable support of kind friends on event days.

Despite the countless hours and handwork behind Claybodies, we recognize that ceramics can be an art form not easily accessible to everyone, and we're committed to changing that. We are happy to be testing out a new pricing system based on a sliding scale, designed to ensure that everyone who wishes to learn and create with us can do so.

This model was created to promote inclusivity and accessibility with hopes that financial barriers shouldn't prevent anyone from experiencing the joy of ceramics. Each pricing tier has a limited number of slots to maintain balance and cover the costs of our workshops. If a particular tier is full, it indicates that those spots have already been reserved.

When signing up for a session, we encourage you to choose a tier that aligns with your current financial ability.

  • The lowest tier is subsidized, offering a more affordable option for those who find the cost challenging.

  • The middle tier reflects the true cost of participating in our class, covering all the expenses and labor involved.

  • The highest tier is a generosity price, allowing those who have more financial flexibility to support our efforts and help subsidize the lower tier.

By choosing what you're able to pay, you're not only joining a ceramics class; you're becoming part of a community that values accessibility, art, and the shared experience of creating, regardless of their financial situation. Together, we can keep the art of ceramics vibrant and available to all.